
It’s Important to Note That This Surgery is Not Suitable for Everyone

Before proceeding with Gastric Sleeve Surgery, careful evaluation of the benefits and risks is necessary. The procedure entails lifestyle changes that should be prepared for post weight-loss surgery. If you have a BMI of 40+ or 35+ with an obesity-related disease, you may qualify. If you’ve experienced disappointment with failed diets, Gastric Sleeve Surgery could hold the answers you’ve been seeking.

Rest assured, our Gastric Sleeve Surgery doctors are available to discuss your concerns and provide guidance throughout this transformative journey.


You will Eat Less and Feel Fuller

With Gastric Sleeve Surgery, your stomach is significantly reduced, leading to a decreased food intake. You’ll experience a sensation of fullness sooner and stay satisfied longer. While overeating can result in vomiting, the majority of patients have no desire to exceed their limits. Should you encounter any concerns, please reach out to us without delay.


Long-Term Success: Unlocking the Potential

Weight regain is a possibility after surgery, but research reveals that the majority of patients manage to sustain a greater degree of weight loss compared to non-surgical alternatives. Moreover, there are added benefits to consider, such as improvements in comorbidities such as diabetes and hypertension. By making meaningful lifestyle changes, actively participating in doctor appointments, and building a support network, the path to long-term success in weight loss becomes an attainable reality.

Start your post-surgery journey on the right track with our gradual dietary progression plan

After surgery, we’ve got you covered with a step-by-step guide on what to eat and what to avoid. We’ll start you off with clear liquids, gradually move on to nutritious skim milk and protein shakes, and then transition you to a gentle puréed diet for a month. When you’re ready to reintroduce regular food, we’ll give you a comprehensive list of delicious options. Just remember to stay away from sugary or greasy foods that may upset your digestion. You’re in good hands with us!

Continued Care for Years: Ensuring You Have the Support You Need

At our center, we believe that long-term care goes beyond just the surgery. We are dedicated to providing you with comprehensive follow-up services for years to come. Our goal is to ensure that you receive the essential long-term support and assistance you need for a successful recovery.

At Davtyan Medical Weight Loss and Wellness in Los Angeles, you can put your trust in us for Gastric Sleeve Surgery. We believe in personalized solutions that consider your unique health needs and weight-loss journey. Our dedicated team will stand by your side in every step of your weight loss journey – from the initial consultation, pre-op preparation, insurance approval, surgery, and recovery, all the way through the years that follow. We are here for you, ensuring a supportive and successful experience.