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Dr. Davtyan’s Gastric Sleeve Surgery is Your Ultimate Solution for Weight Loss

Not only will you experience a transformative weight loss journey, but we also prioritize your post-op phase. From understanding the healing timeline to receiving post-operative care tips, we’ve got you covered. Plus, we’ll guide you on gradually resuming your regular activities. Our bariatric surgery is designed to help you lose weight effectively and improve your overall health by reaching and maintaining a healthy body mass index (BMI). Say goodbye to unsuccessful traditional weight loss attempts and hello to a potent advantage – our gastric sleeve surgery. Experience rapid weight loss that traditional methods can’t match. Join us on this incredible weight loss journey today!


Discovering the Journey of Gastric Sleeve Weight Loss

When it comes to shedding pounds in Los Angeles, Dr. Davtyan’s Gastric Sleeve Surgery is your path to success. Let’s explore the milestones that lead to remarkable transformation within 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, and 18 months.

During the initial 3 months, patients experience rapid and significant weight loss. It’s truly an awe-inspiring journey!

By the 6-month mark, patients typically achieve a remarkable reduction of 30-40% in excess weight. Although the pace may slow down after six months, patients are still making steady progress with a monthly weight loss of 1-2 pounds.

Reaching the 12-month milestone is a significant achievement. At this point, patients are often just a step away from their desired weight.

As we hit the 18-month mark, weight loss may stabilize to a maintenance phase. However, for those aiming to lose more weight, incorporating certain elements into their routine can serve as an incredible catalyst. The key lies in rejuvenating the weight loss journey and ensuring ongoing success.

To sustain weight loss and maintain a healthy lifestyle, patients are encouraged to make mindful dietary choices, embrace positive lifestyle decisions, and maintain regular exercise routines.

Embark on your weight loss journey in Los Angeles and transform your life with Dr. Davtyan’s Gastric Sleeve Surgery. It’s time for a brand new you!


How Much Weight Can You Expect to Lose After the Procedure

Typically, patients who opt for gastric sleeve surgery can lose between 50% and 60% of their excess body weight within 12-18 months. However, with strict adherence to dietary restrictions and a dedicated exercise program, even greater weight loss is possible. 

It’s important to note that individual results may vary and are influenced by factors such as starting BMI, weight-related health issues, age, and personal lifestyle choices. So, why wait? Take the first step towards a healthier you and discover the transformative power of gastric sleeve surgery!


Gastric Sleeve Surgery: A Path to Lasting Weight Loss

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (LSG) is the most popular surgery for shedding those stubborn pounds. By reducing the stomach size by 70 to 80%, gastric sleeve surgery offers a promising solution.

Here’s how it works: surgeons remove a portion of the stomach and staple the remaining section into a small pouch. The result? A restricted intake of calories and nutrients, creating a pathway to effective weight loss.

Unlike its counterpart, Gastric Bypass Surgery, gastric sleeve surgery boasts a high success rate, minimal complications, and reduced risk factors. With a brief hospital stay of 1-3 days and a recovery period of approximately 4-6 weeks, LSG proves to be a worthwhile investment in your health.

But that’s not all! This surgical procedure not only limits food intake but also suppresses the appetite. By removing the stomach segment responsible for producing the “hunger-causing” hormone ghrelin, gastric sleeve surgery aids in appetite control. Additionally, the smaller stomach empties at a slower pace, prolonging the feeling of satiety.

Discover the transformative power of gastric sleeve surgery and embark on a journey towards lasting weight loss. Don’t let excess weight hold you back any longer!


Dr. Davtyan’s Gastric Sleeve Surgery is your ticket to easy weight loss

This procedure can kickstart rapid weight loss, especially during the first month, leading to significant and dramatic changes

Before the surgery, patients typically follow a full liquid diet for two weeks, transitioning to a clear liquid diet two days before the procedure. Afterward, they gradually introduce soft foods and eventually work their way up to solids. Although the first few months can be challenging, it’s essential to stay determined and push through this period.


Why Gastric Sleeve Surgery is worth it

Gastric Sleeve Surgery could be the solution you’ve been searching for. Let us tell you why.

During the first month after the surgery, most patients can expect to shed between 10% and 15% of their excess body weight. That’s a significant difference! Not only that, but if you’re dealing with weight-related health concerns, you might start experiencing relief right away.

But let’s take a step back. Before the surgery, there’s a preparation period. Patients typically follow a full liquid diet for two weeks, followed by a clear liquid diet a few days before and after the surgery. It’s all about baby steps during the recovery process. First, you gradually reintroduce soft foods, then slowly transition to solid meals.

We won’t sugarcoat it – the first few months might be challenging. But remember, persistence is key. The hard work pays off. In that initial month alone, you can expect impressive weight loss results. And it doesn’t stop there. If you’ve been struggling with weight-related health issues, relief is finally within reach.

Embarking on this transformative weight loss journey requires determination, but the benefits are undeniable. Dr. Davtyan’s Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Los Angeles is your ticket to a healthier and more fulfilling life.


Lose Weight Faster: Calculate Your Excess Body Weight

Want to shed those extra pounds? Find out how much excess weight you need to lose with this simple calculation. Start by determining your goal weight, also known as your “ideal weight.” You can easily find this using a BMI calculator. Then, subtract your current weight from your ideal weight to uncover the exact amount of excess weight you need to lose. Get started on your weight loss journey now!


Are you looking to calculate your ideal and excess weight? Let’s break it down

Let’s start by calculating your ideal weight. Patient A, a woman measuring 5’4” tall, currently weighs 250 pounds. According to BMI calculations, her ideal weight falls between 108 and 145 pounds. For this example, we’ll set a goal weight of 127 pounds—right in the middle.

Now, let’s determine her excess weight. Subtracting 127 from 250 shows that she has 123 pounds of excess weight to lose. But don’t worry, we’re here to guide you through the process.

In the first month after the gastric sleeve surgery, most patients lose 10-15% of their excess weight. This means that Patient A’s weight is expected to drop by 12-18 pounds, reaching 238-232 pounds.

Remember, everyone’s progress is unique, but these before-and-after statistics provide a reasonable representation of outcomes. Research suggests that individuals with more excess weight tend to experience greater initial weight loss during the first months.

Are you ready to take control of your weight and live a healthier life? Contact our office today for a personal consultation. Let us assist you in selecting the ideal weight loss procedure that suits your needs.

Start your weight loss journey now and embrace a brighter future.