
Weight loss can be an arduous and frustrating journey, and for those who struggle with it, surgical options can be an enticing solution. Among these are weight loss medications, which are used as a complement to diet and exercise. However, like any medication, these can have side effects that can be alarming and uncomfortable.


In this blog post, we will be discussing the real side effects of weight loss medications and how Lap Band LA can help you achieve your weight loss goals without risking your health.

The side effects of weight loss medications vary depending on the medication and the individual taking it. The most common side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, dry mouth, and headaches. These side effects can be mild to severe, and they can interfere with a patient’s quality of life. In some cases, weight loss medications have been linked to serious complications such as heart attacks, stroke, and liver damage.

To avoid these risks, many patients have turned to surgical weight loss solutions such as gastric lap band surgery. The lap band procedure involves the placement of a silicone band around the top portion of the stomach, creating a small pouch that limits the amount of food the patient can consume at one time. This helps patients feel full sooner and stay full longer, leading to weight loss over time. Compared to weight loss medications, the lap band procedure has fewer side effects and a lower risk of complications.

One of the reasons why lap band surgery is a viable option for weight loss patients is that it promotes long-term weight loss. Unlike weight loss medications, which are only effective for a short period, lap band surgery provides a permanent solution to obesity. The lap band is adjustable, allowing the surgeon to control the amount of food that passes through the stomach. Patients will need to follow a strict diet and exercise plan to achieve the best results.


Lap band surgery is also a safe option for weight loss patients who have pre-existing health conditions that prevent them from taking weight loss medications.

For instance, patients with heart disease, diabetes, or liver problems may not be able to take these medications but can still benefit from lap band surgery. Lap band surgery can improve these conditions by reducing excess weight and reducing the risk of complications associated with obesity.

Weight loss medication may seem like a quick and easy fix, but the side effects can be debilitating. Lap band surgery is a safer and more effective solution for those who are struggling with obesity and related health conditions.

At Lap Band LA, our experienced surgeons can help guide you in making an informed decision about your weight loss journey.

Our team will work with you to create a customized and comprehensive treatment plan that can help you achieve sustainable weight loss and improve your overall health. Contact us today to learn more.