Weight loss surgery, also known as Bariatric Surgery, is a life-saving procedure for individuals who are significantly overweight or obese. Bariatric surgery can provide long-term health benefits and can help an individual to achieve long-term weight loss success. Bariatric surgery can reduce risk factors associated with obesity, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and certain types of cancers.
When considering Bariatric Surgery, it’s important to consult with a specialist such as Dr. David Davtyan at his Glendale clinic in California. Dr. Davtyan has extensive experience in Bariatric Surgeries and provides personalized care for each patient to ensure the best surgical outcomes possible. He offers comprehensive preoperative evaluations for all Bariatric patients that include physical exams and psychological evaluations.
Bariatric surgeries involve reducing the size of the stomach so that it limits the amount of food that can be consumed at one time and becomes less efficient at absorbing calories from food intake. There are several different types of Bariatric procedures available today, ranging from non-invasive methods such as Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty to more invasive techniques such as Roux-en Y Gastric Bypass or Laparoscopic Gastric Banding. Each procedure carries its own advantages and disadvantages; therefore it’s important to discuss your options with Dr. Davtyan prior to undergoing any type of Bariatric Surgery so that you have a complete understanding of what’s involved with each option and what the expected results are likely to be after surgery is completed.
Once Bariatric Surgery has been performed successfully on an individual, there are many potential benefits associated with successful weight loss surgery outcomes including improved physical fitness levels, better overall quality of life due to increased confidence levels and self esteem, improved mental clarity due to decreased stress levels related to excess body weight, decreased risks for developing chronic diseases due to reduced body fat mass percentages (especially in regards to Type II Diabetes), improved cardiovascular health due reduced triglycerides levels in the blood stream (which are often present in individuals who are obese), and even improved fertility rates for both men and women who were previously overweight or obese prior to Bariatric Surgery being performed on them successfully.
In conclusion, Bariatric Surgery is a life-saving procedure which has been used by countless individuals across California who have suffered from obesity or significant excess body fat percentages throughout their lives. When performed correctly by a qualified specialist such as Dr. David Davtyan in Glendale CA., Bariatric procedures offer tremendous medical benefits while also providing long term weight management solutions which enable individuals to maintain their desired weights over time through careful diet modifications post operatively combined with regular exercise regimens in order maximize their success rates once they have recovered sufficiently from their individual Bariatric Surgeries fully.
Reduces Risk Factors for Chronic Diseases
Weight loss surgery, also known as Bariatric Surgery, is an effective treatment for individuals who are significantly overweight or obese. Bariatric Surgery involves reducing the size of the stomach so that it limits the amount of food that can be consumed at one time and becomes less efficient at absorbing calories from food intake. Bariatric Surgery can provide long-term health benefits and can help an individual to achieve long-term weight loss success.
In addition to aiding in weight loss, Bariatric Surgery has also been proven to greatly reduce risk factors associated with obesity, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and certain types of cancers. This is because Bariatric Surgery positively affects metabolic processes and hormone levels in individuals who have undergone Bariatric procedures.
For instance, Bariatric Surgery reduces insulin resistance by improving glucose tolerance throughout the body as well as by decreasing fatty acids in the blood stream which are often elevated due to obesity. Additionally, Bariatric surgery enables patients to lose significant amounts of abdominal fat which is linked to increased risks for chronic diseases including type II diabetes and cardiometabolic disorders such as hypertension and high cholesterol levels.
Research has further shown that Bariatric surgery can improve lipid profiles by increasing HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels while simultaneously lowering LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels in individuals who have undergone Bariatric procedures successfully. Furthermore, Bariatric Surgery enables patients to reduce their overall caloric intake due to reduced appetite post-operatively which helps them maintain a healthy body weight over time and reduces their chances for developing chronic diseases related to obesity such as coronary artery disease or stroke.
In conclusion, Bariatric Surgery not only provides weight loss benefits but also greatly reduces risk factors associated with obesity-related chronic conditions including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and certain types of cancers. Through improved metabolic processes and hormone levels coupled with reduced abdominal fat mass percentages as well as improved lipid profiles due to healthier eating habits adopted post operatively; Bariatric patients can experience drastically improved health outcomes overall without having to worry about developing any serious medical issues related to obesity after undergoing successful Bariatric surgeries performed by qualified specialists like Dr. David Davtyan in Glendale CA., USA.