
An innovative bariatric procedures for effective and lasting weight loss – Gastric Sleeve Surgery 

Unlike other surgeries, the Gastric Sleeve is a minimally invasive procedure that brings about significant and long-lasting changes to your digestive system. It’s a restrictive surgery, but with fewer permanent limitations compared to Gastric Bypass. So, if you’re battling obesity and the related health concerns, the Gastric Sleeve can be an excellent choice for you.

Keep in mind, though, that the Gastric Sleeve is a serious procedure. It’s reserved for patients with significant health issues who meet specific criteria. So, take the step towards a healthier future, but make sure to consider all the necessary factors beforehand.


Here’s How the Gastric Sleeve Works

During the procedure, about two-thirds of your stomach is removed, resulting in a sleeve shape that can hold about a half to a full cup of food. Unlike other gastric surgeries, the gastric sleeve doesn’t affect the rest of your digestive system, giving you the freedom to choose what you eat while managing portion sizes.

No need to worry about the dreaded “dumping effect” that can occur after gastric bypass surgery. You won’t experience nausea, cramping, or diarrhea after consuming carbohydrates. This means you can still enjoy sweets and carb-rich foods without discomfort.

However, it’s essential to note that the gastric sleeve does come with its own considerations. Without the dumping syndrome as a deterrent, it’s important to commit to a healthy eating plan to avoid weight regain.

One of the benefits of the gastric sleeve is its impact on the hunger hormone, ghrelin. With decreased ghrelin production, you’ll feel less hungry throughout the day.

Unlike other procedures like the adjustable gastric band, there’s no need for foreign body implants, reducing the risk of complications.


With the expertise of Dr. Davtyan you can achieve remarkable weight loss results from Gastric Sleeve Surgery

When it comes to shedding those extra pounds, gastric sleeve surgery proves to be a reliable method. Over a span of two years, patients typically see a reduction of 50-60 percent in excess weight. This procedure offers hope to those battling extreme obesity, serving as a catalyst for a healthier lifestyle. However, it’s important to note that gastric sleeve surgery, like other bariatric surgeries, is not a magical “cure” for weight problems. It’s a powerful tool that requires total commitment and lifestyle changes from the patient.

Post-surgery, patients must adhere to specific dietary guidelines, consuming adequate amounts of quality protein while avoiding carbonated beverages. Along with dietary changes, taking essential vitamins is also necessary. These adjustments may seem demanding, but they prove worthwhile, particularly for obese individuals. Treating obesity, whether through surgical or nonsurgical methods, can alleviate or even reverse various health issues associated with it.

Obesity is a recognized medical condition, and it’s crucial to understand that it’s not merely a reflection of “laziness.” A BMI (Body Mass Index) of 30 and above classifies someone as obese. Left untreated, obesity can lead to an array of health problems, such as pulmonary disease, fatty liver disease, gallbladder disease, and more.

The good news is that weight loss surgery significantly reduces these health concerns in many patients. It can also result in a 95 percent improvement in the overall quality of life, with a remarkable 89 percent drop in five-year mortality rates.

So, if you’re ready to take control of your weight and health, consider gastric sleeve surgery in Los Angeles with Davtyan Medical Weight Loss and Wellness. It’s time to embark on a journey towards a healthier and happier you.


Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Los Angeles: Innovative Weight Loss Options

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure, ensuring you are well-informed before making a decision.

Advantages of Gastric Sleeve Surgery:

  1. Eat with Ease: With a smaller stomach that functions normally, you can enjoy most foods, including meats and fibrous vegetables, in smaller amounts.
  2. Future Flexibility: If desired, the Gastric Sleeve procedure can be converted to a Roux-En-Y gastric bypass later on.
  3. Curbed Appetite: By eliminating the upper portion of the stomach that produces hunger-stimulating hormones, like ghrelin, your appetite often decreases, making you feel full more easily.
  4. Reduced Risks: Gastric Sleeve Surgery also decreases acid secretion, lowering the chances of ulcers, intestinal obstruction, anemia, osteoporosis, and protein and vitamin deficiencies.
  5. No Adjustments: Unlike other procedures, there are no adjustments or foreign bodies that may cause obstructions, slippage, or erosion.


Disadvantages of Gastric Sleeve Surgery:

  1. Irreversibility: As part of the stomach is removed, Gastric Sleeve Surgery is not reversible.
  2. Potential Weight Loss Challenges: Some individuals may experience more difficulty or a lesser degree of weight loss without the intestinal bypass.
  3. Food Tolerance: The body can still tolerate carbohydrate-rich and high-fat foods, which may slow down weight loss progress.
  4. Lack of Dumping Syndrome: Although this may seem like an advantage, some patients rely on the discomfort caused by consuming carb-rich foods to prevent regression.
  5. Potential Complications: Due to stomach stapling, there is a potential risk of leaks and other complications.
  6. Insurance Coverage: It’s important to note that Gastric Sleeve Surgery may not yet be covered by insurance companies, as it is still considered an investigational procedure.


Before deciding on Gastric Sleeve Surgery, consider the advantages and disadvantages presented in this guide. Our team at Davtyan Medical Weight Loss and Wellness is dedicated to providing personalized care and support throughout your weight loss journey.