If you’ve been considering getting a weight loss procedure done, either on doctor’s orders or because you just want to lose weight, one you can get is the gastric sleeve procedure. Ask any weight loss surgeon in Los Angeles, and they’ll tell you that it’s actually a very popular permanent weight loss procedure. Why, you ask?

Well, not only will the surgery reduce your existing stomach to around 80% of its size, you’ll also have changes in your brain’s hunger drivers. That means you’ll generally feel less hungry. And there’s even the chance that you can reverse type 2 diagnosis as well as reduce your heart disease risk significantly! 

However, aside from you experiencing weight loss and those other benefits, you may also experience various side effects. One of them is a change of taste. You might find yourself not enjoying what you usually eat, or just tasting them differently than what you’re used to.

Why does this happen?

Well, read on as we explore what gastric sleeve is, what the effects are of gastric sleeve before and after, why your taste changes specifically with gastric sleeve, and so much more.

Let’s get to it, shall we?


What is gastric sleeve and how does it work?

The gastric sleeve is a procedure where approximately 80% of your stomach is removed. The portion left of your stomach resembles the shape of a sleeve, which is where the procedure got its name. 

Because of the large volume of the stomach that is reduced, you will end up eating less and as a result, lose weight. If you’re looking to get bariatric surgery in California and want a procedure that doesn’t take up a lot of time but is still effective, gastric sleeve is one you should definitely consider.

While there are still some risks to consider in this procedure, the mortality rate for gastric sleeve surgery is .08%, or less than 1 person out of 1000. So for something to happen to you that is really bad is something that probably – or even likely – will not occur at all.


Can anyone undergo a gastric sleeve procedure?

Gastric sleeve surgery can help patients lose around 50 to 80 pounds over the course of a year. This procedure is generally recommended for patients who have a body mass index of 35 and above. 

However, the best way to find out is to consult with your doctor. For example, our lead doctor, Dr. David Davtyan, in our Glendale, CA branch as well as our other branches, gives out complimentary consultations. With in-person consultations, your doctor will be able to find out if you have other conditions that might make gastric sleeve not an ideal surgery procedure for you, or if you are indeed a perfect candidate.


How does your taste change after you undergo gastric sleeve surgery?

One possible side effect when you undergo this procedure is, as mentioned, your sense of taste. But how does your taste change specifically?

Well, you might have less taste when it comes to foods that are sweet, high in fat, and salty. There have also been reports of patients having their tastes for sour and bitter enhanced.

Of course, the experience is not always the same for everyone who has undergone the procedure. One of the most common reports about taste changes was about patients experiencing higher sensitivity to sweet food, sour food, and fast food!


What factors make your taste change after gastric sleeve?

Here’s a little downer: no one really knows the exact cause of the taste change that you may experience after the gastric sleeve procedure. However, there are still plenty of possible explanations, such as:

  1. The surgical procedure possibly changes the biology of the taste buds. This change results in the reduced ability to detect certain flavors.
  2. While not common, a bariatric surgery procedure may damage the nerve that is responsible for transmitting information about taste and smell from the tongue to the brain.
  3. The change in your taste may also be a psychological factor. For example, after surgery, you’ll be more aware of food, since you know you’re supposed to be avoiding some of them.
  4. When you get surgery, you’ll also experience your stomach producing fewer stomach acids. These acids are important because they break down the food you eat and help your body absorb nutrients. Without them or even if they are reduced, food is not broken down as efficiently. Neither is the absorption of nutrients. Both lead to changes in the way food can taste.
  5. When you get a surgical procedure done, your taste buds may change due to the inflammation of your throat and mouth. That makes certain foods less appealing to you.
  6. One last factor for the change in taste is that after the gastric sleeve procedure, you lose a lot of weight, right? Well, weight loss actually gives you fluctuations in your hormone levels as well as various metabolic changes. These affect your sense of taste as well.


Is this gastric sleeve side effect permanent?

Once you experience this side effect, you may be horrified at thinking that this is something permanent. What about those foods that you were looking forward to eating after the procedure? Will you still be able to enjoy them?

Well, here’s some good news for you: the taste change after the procedure is usually temporary. Probably the most inconvenience you may experience is an oversensitivity to sweetness in protein shakes, since you generally have to follow a liquid-only diet after the operation.

If this does happen though, make sure to talk to your doctor to get a solution.


Is there a way to reduce the change of taste after surgery?

Here are some things you can do to minimize the changes in what you taste after you undergo a gastric sleeve procedure:

  • Drink fluids so that you will have reduced inflammation in your throat and mouth. This will also make it easier for you to taste food.
  • When you eat, eat only small and frequent meals. The reason for this is that small portions will help you avoid overwhelming your stomach and make it easier for you to digest food.
  • Speaking of food, don’t eat any spicy, acidic, or high-fat foods, as these can make it difficult for you to taste food. Your stomach will also be quite aggravated.
  • When eating, chew thoroughly and slowly. Do this so that you can be sure you’re breaking down food well and releasing flavors.


Where can you get gastric sleeve surgery?

After reading this, you can be assured of two things: gastric sleeve surgery is a relatively risk-free process, and the side effect you may experience about having a weird taste in foods is temporary. 

So if you’re interested in getting this procedure done so that you can be healthier and lose weight, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with us at Lap Band LA. You’ll get compassion, excellence, and expertise from all of our staff.

And as mentioned above, any consultation you want is complimentary. All you need to do is book an appointment.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!