Orbera Gastric Balloon for Weight Loss is currently used with great success at Davtyan Medical Weight Loss And Wellness. At Davtyan Medical Weight Loss And Wellness, we have been able to achieve weight loss far exceeding the national average for the Orbera Gastric Balloon. We achieve these excellent results because we truly understand your pain and frustrations in the struggle against obesity and share in your dreams. We are as committed to your success as you are.
The ORBERA Intragastric Balloon is a soft yet durable silicone balloon that is designed to assist adult patients with obesity, in losing and maintaining weight. It is intended for adult patients with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 to 40 who have attempted more conservative weight reduction alternatives.
A Powerful Solution weight loss
The ORBERA Gastric Balloon procedure combines a clinically tested and proven medical device with the expertise of your bariatric surgeon and his team to help you in your battle against obesity. This comprehensive plan will begin with the placement of a soft balloon into your stomach for six months to suppress your hunger and encourage proper portion control. During these six months, you will be guided through a new diet and exercise program that will work with the balloon to maximize your weight loss. The balloon is removed after six months, but your bariatric surgeon and his team will continue to guide you toward maintaining your weight loss success. They will help you maintain your healthy nutrition and eating habits, and establish an exercise routine that will help you keep the weight off for years to come.
Gastric Balloon Advantage
- ORBERA patients lost 3x more weight in six months than patients on diet and exercise alone
- Your bariatric surgeon, Dr. Davtyan, will provide personalized support to ensure success with the ORBERA program
- The ORBERA Gastric Balloon will help you adopt and sustain healthy habits that will keep the weight off even after the balloon is removed.
- The makers of ORBERA have over 20 years of experience helping thousands of patients combat obesity.
- ORBERA leads the global market for Intragastric Balloons, with over 220,000 balloons placed in over 80 countries.
- Now that ORBERA has been approved in the U.S., patients now have a non-surgical, endoscopic weight loss solution that is both safe and effective.
Why Gastric Balloon Therapy
Weight loss therapy is not a one size fits all. Over 78.6 million obese adults are in the U.S. and balloon therapy is a new class of non-surgical weight loss treatment that offers patients a path that does not require traditional surgery.
- It is an option for patients who are not appropriate for or considering traditional surgery, but for whom diet & exercise or pharmaceutical interventions have not worked.
What is ORBERA Gastric Balloon
- The ORBERA balloon is part of the ORBERA Managed Weight Loss System – a comprehensive, non-surgical two-part program that starts with the durable balloon filling space in a patient’s stomach to reinforce proper portion control.
- Data on ORBERA collected in the U.S. clinical trial has shown the average person lost 3.1 times the weight as compared with diet and exercise alone within six months.
- Once the balloon is in place, the patient receives an individually tailored support program through the ORBERA Managed Weight Loss System team of experts – which may include a dietician, psychologist and exercise physiologist.
- Coaching takes place over 12 months (even though the balloon is removed after six months) and is designed to help the patient develop sustainable, healthy habits that helps to break through weight loss barriers to meet long-term weight loss goals.
- There is limited weight loss support and options other than diet and exercise and traditional surgery for weight loss.
- Now with the approval of ORBERA, there’s a new option available that fills the treatment gap and gives us a new weight loss option.
- For more than 20 years, the global medical community has been using intragastric balloons from the makers of ORBERA to help thousands of people lose weight.
- More than 220,000 ORBERA balloons have been distributed worldwide in over 80 countries.
Important ORBERA Intragastric Balloon System Safety Information
The ORBERA Intragastric Balloon System is a weight loss aid for adults with obesity, with a body mass index (BMI) ≥30 and ≤40 kg/m2, who have tried other weight loss programs, such as following supervised diet, exercise, and behavior modification programs, but who were unable to lose weight and keep it off.
To receive ORBERA you must be willing to also follow a 12-month program, beginning with the placement of ORBERA and continuing for 6 months after, that includes a healthy diet and exercise plan. If the diet and exercise program is not followed, you will not experience significant weight loss results; in fact, you may not experience any weight loss.
Losing weight and keeping it off is not easy, so you will be supervised throughout this program by a team of physicians, physiologists, and nutritionists. This team will help you make and maintain major changes in your eating and exercise habits.
ORBERA is placed for no more than six months. Any time that the balloon is in the stomach for longer than six months puts you at risk for complications, such as bowel obstruction, which can be fatal.
Some patients are ineligible to receive ORBERA. Your doctor will ask you about your medical history and will also perform a physical examination to determine your eligibility for the device. Additionally, at the time of placement, the doctor may identify internal factors, such as stomach irritation or ulcers, which may prevent you from receiving ORBERA™.
You must not receive ORBERA if you are pregnant, a woman planning to become pregnant within six months’ time, or breast-feeding.
Complications that may result from the use of ORBERA include the risks associated with any endoscopic procedure and those associated with the medications and methods used in this procedure, as well as your ability to tolerate a foreign object placed in your stomach. Possible complications include: partial or complete blockage of the bowel by the balloon, insufficient or no weight loss, adverse health consequences resulting from weight loss, stomach discomfort, continuing nausea and vomiting, abdominal or back pain, acid reflux, influence on digestion of food, blockage of food entering the stomach, bacterial growth in the fluid filling the balloon which can lead to infection, injury to the lining of the digestive tract, stomach or esophagus, and balloon deflation.
Dr. David Davtyan, M.D., FACS, FICS is now certified and trained by ORBERA to perform gastric balloon weight loss procedure in Los Angeles, CA.
Gastric Balloon procedure by ORBERA is FDA approved. This method of losing 3.1 times more weight than diet and/or exercise alone is very safe and effective. There have been over 220,000 placements of ORBERA gastric balloon worldwide.
What is ORBERA Gastric Balloon? (No Sound)
Gastric Balloon Los Angeles – Orbera Procedure
- Comprehensive two-part program designed to provide effective, motivating results that you can see. *With ORBERA patients on average lose 3.1 times the weight they would with diet and exercise along
- Starts with a soft balloon placed in your stomach for six months to reinforce proper portion control.
- The ORBERA balloon take up space in your stomach helps you eat smaller meals.
- Balloon is temporary and placed in your stomach for six months without surgery or any incisions
- Patients will receive coaching from a team of experts, which may include a dietician, psychologist, and exercise physiologist
- Coaching continues after balloon is removed at six months for a total of 12 months
Read more about Gastric Balloon.
- To qualify for ORBERA Gastric Balloon, you should:
- Be an adult
- Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 to 40
- Be willing to participate in a medically supervised program
- Contact Dr. David Davtyan, M.D., FACS, FICS for a free gastric balloon consultation
ORBERA Managed Weight Loss Program: LESLEY
ORBERA Managed Weight Loss Program: JAMES
ORBERA Managed Weight Loss Program: CAROL
ORBERA Managed Weight Loss Program: ANGELA
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