If you’re considering bariatric surgery for weight loss but you’re wary about its invasiveness of it, one thing you can consider is the Elipse Gastric Balloon Surgery procedure. It’s faster, can be effective, and is much less invasive.

Plus, preparation and recovery time are both much simpler and faster when you compare it to a gastric sleeve before and after checklist.

If you want to know more, then look no further than this article. We’ll discuss how the procedure for Elipse gastric balloon surgery goes, as the things you can do after ellipse gastric balloon surgery. 

Let’s get to it, shall we?


What is an Elipse gastric balloon surgery?

The Elipse gastric balloon surgery involves a gastric balloon or an “Elipse balloon” for weight loss which does not require endoscopy or anesthesia, or for you to be opened up at all. It is the first gastric balloon of that kind. 

To get it inside you, all you need to do is swallow it while you’re with your doctor. It is followed by an X-ray to identify the location of the balloon. It will only take a maximum of 15 minutes for the whole procedure to be done.

The Elipse balloon helps you lose weight by limiting how much you can eat since it takes up space in your stomach. And when you have less space in your stomach, it means you end up feeling full faster, and end up eating less. That feeling helps you lose weight.

Months later, the balloon will pass through your digestive system safely, meaning again, you don’t have to be opened up to get the balloon out. 

Pain and nausea are common side effects, so that shouldn’t be too much of a concern (although you should still tell your doctor about it). But just to encourage you about this procedure, according to Pub Med’s statistics, there were significant improvements in patients’ BMI, weight, body fat, waist circumference, blood pressure, cholesterol, and other aspects of their health. 

However, do take note that this procedure is not yet FDA-approved, at least not yet in the United States. 


How do you prepare for an Elipse Gastric Balloon procedure?

Here are the things you should do to ensure that you are prepared for the procedure:

  • Make sure that for the rest of the day of surgery, you only intake clear liquids. Drink only small sips, around 3 ounces every hour. 
  • Avoid using straws, drinking jelly-like substances, drinking fountains, and carbonated beverages. 
  • Light exercise is permitted, although you should avoid any core and abdominal workouts for at least a month after surgery.

One thing you should always keep in mind is that the Elipse Gastric Balloon is not a magical shortcut to a healthy life. Like other weight-loss procedures, it requires a commitment to a better, healthier, and more disciplined diet and lifestyle. It requires a mindset shift that would allow you to make permanent healthy choices and achieve long-term success.


How do you recover after the procedure?

While getting the Elipse Balloon inserted in you is not as complicated as other procedures, there is still a need for recovery time. 

1-2 weeks after the procedure

  • You should start your day by consuming water. Take sips of 4-6 ounces per hour. Aside from water, you can also have protein shakes, calorie-free, and non-carbonated beverages. Strained soups and non-dairy, low-fat milk is also acceptable.
  • Incorporate protein-rich liquids into your diet. Remember, protein is important to healing and maintaining a lean body mass. 60 to 80 grams of daily protein count is ideal.
  • At this point, it’s best to still avoid incorporating abdominal exercises into your workout.

3-4 weeks after the procedure

  • You can start replacing your protein shakes with semi-solid foods like purees.
  • During week 4, your body will now be able to tolerate soft foods. Replace your protein shakes with soft solid protein meals. Make sure your meat isn’t fried.
  • Avoid drinking liquids 30 minutes prior and 60 minutes after meals.
  • Eat slowly and chew thoroughly. Stop eating once you’re starting to feel full.

Week 5 and beyond after the procedure

At this point, you only need some minor tweaks to your lifestyle such as:

  • Incorporating fruits and vegetables into your diet.
  • Taking calcium and iron-rich multivitamins.

And of course, the next section, which is:


What are some of the new things you CAN and SHOULD DO after an Elipse gastric balloon procedure? 

In order to achieve results that will satisfy you (and your doctor as well) when it comes to losing weight, you should be aware of what type of foods to incorporate into your diet and how much you can eat. Consistency and dedication to a more active lifestyle are also required to make it work to the fullest. 

With that being said, here are some of the things you should do to improve your lifestyle, and in turn, fully achieve your weight-loss goals.

  • You must create new and healthier habits. Your daily routine must be composed of productive and constructive things. Limit your idle time by performing physical activities you would also enjoy.
  • Remember to drink more water. Consuming an adequate amount of fluids is important. It’s best if drinking water becomes habitual.
  • Eat with a purpose. Make sure you are getting enough protein but make sure you limit your meals to smaller portions. ½ cup is definitely ideal.
  • Remember that the procedure is a journey, not the destination. Speak of yourself more constructively and don’t be shy in patting your own back for those small wins.

In addition to these diet changes, you should also start really incorporating exercise into your daily life. It doesn’t have to be high impact right away. Even walking briskly burns calories and raises your heart rate. 

You can also go for low-impact exercises that do not put too much stress on your joints such as swimming, cycling, yoga, circuit training, or lifting light weights.

Why do we emphasize exercise? It’s because it has so many benefits that can help you with your weight-loss journey, aside from the obvious (helping to keep the weight off). For example, exercising can help you feel good after (i.e. the runner’s high).

Also, exercising can help you get enough sleep during the night, and even help you drop off to sleep faster. After all, when you don’t get enough sleep, that’s when you start craving those unhealthy foods – and that’s what you want to avoid, right?


Looking to know more about an Elipse gastric balloon procedure or any other bariatric surgery in California?

If you want to know more about the Elipse gastric balloon or any other kind of bariatric surgery, you’ve come to the right place. Davtyan Medical Weight Loss and Wellness Center is led by Dr. David Davytan in Glendale, CA, one of the best and most experienced weight loss surgeons in Los Angeles. 

With years of excellence and a staff composed of the most caring people, rest assured that all your needs and questions will be handled with the utmost care.

Reach out to us today and avail our complimentary consultation. Let’s begin working together for a better version of you!