You have been struggling with your weight for a good part of your life now. You’ve had your share of weight loss successes but they seem few and far between compared with your failures. And now you’ve reached a point in your life where your BMI score is at 35+ and you have developed conditions over the years that are threatening your overall well-being.

Your family and friends know of your struggles and have expressed concern about your health. Even your doctor has talked to you about addressing your weight concerns. And even you feel that you are past the point of having any semblance of control over your weight.

If you can relate to all that was mentioned above, then it is more than time for you to come in for a weight loss consultation. 

Feeling worried about going through a consultation? Well, as early as now, we’re here to tell you that it’s nothing bad – in fact, it’s going to be something that’s going to be totally good for you!

Read on to find out what you can expect in a consultation.


Coming in for a consultation

It is never easy when you are dealing with weight loss issues. But do keep in mind that losing weight, especially one that you’ve carried for years cannot be done overnight. What is important is that you seek professional help in order to lose weight.

Coming in for a weight loss consultation can mean either of two things. First, you are still in the exploratory stage of finding out if weight loss surgery is the best option for you. Second, you have more or less set your mind on undergoing weight loss surgery.

Either way, coming in for a consultation gives you the opportunity to address some concerns you may have regarding the procedure.

If you are unsure where to go for a consultation, your primary care physician is the best place to start. They are in the best position to know your medical history, habits, and problems, obesity included.

However, if you do not have a primary care physician, don’t let this be a roadblock. You can still ask a trusted member of the family, friend or colleague for help in finding out where you can get a weight loss consultation. 


What should you expect when you come in for a consultation?

Whoever you plan to consult, there are a few things that you should keep in mind to make the most out of the opportunity to discuss your weight loss journey and goals.

Provide the complete and correct information during your consultation.

When you come in for your initial consultation, you will be asked to provide information on your diet, eating habits, lifestyle, medical and family history. The information gathered will be used by the doctors to establish baseline information regarding your diet and general health.

You have to be ready to provide the information so that doctors can refer you to the proper people who can help you with your condition. That information may also be needed by insurance companies, so make sure you’re ready.  

The doctor may also ask you about previous non-surgical attempts to lose weight, including the successes and failures that you have experienced with these weight loss treatments or approaches. For example, you may find it hard to stick to a healthy diet and consume fast food meals quite often due to limited culinary skills. Or you may be working two to three jobs while taking care of a member of the family and thus have no time to plan and prepare a healthy meal.

As mentioned above, sharing this information with the doctor is important as it helps them identify the areas where you need assistance or support.

Be clear about personal and overall health goals.

While it is almost certain that coming in for a weight loss consultation is about your personal goal of losing weight, try to reflect also on your overall health and other unique goals. This may include an overall health goal of breaking the generational history of obesity in the family. Or your overall health goal may be in line with your desire to adopt a healthier lifestyle for yourself and your family.

In addition, you may also want to identify unique weight loss and health goals. Have you persistently been bothered by chronic back pain due to excess weight? Do you want to have sturdier legs that can comfortably carry your weight so you can run a marathon which has been a long-time dream of yours? Or maybe you are expecting grandchildren soon and you want to have the agility and energy to keep up with them.

Whatever your weight loss, overall health, and unique goals are, it is best to identify them before coming in for your weight loss consultation so you can discuss them all with your doctor for help in achieving them.

Be ready with your questions.

Communication during weight loss consultation should be a two-way street. While your doctor may be doing most of the talking, at some point you should also steer the conversation to the questions you have regarding weight-loss options. We’re sure you’ve already done some research about weight loss and weight loss procedures, but if not, make sure you do, especially from reliable sources of information! Researching will help you ask the right questions once you are face to face with your doctor.

Your questions and how they are answered should allay any fear or misgivings you have about weight loss treatments. After the consultation, you should arrive at a decision on whether or not to proceed with weight loss surgery. 

Be sure to ask questions about post-operative care as well. If possible, talk to your doctor about the changes to your diet and physical activity that you need to undertake in support of your goals. Other matters that should be discussed are possible side effects and things to watch out for after surgery if any, such as recovery and rehabilitation.

You may also want to discuss other health aspects of weight loss treatments. It is also important to have realistic expectations about undergoing a weight loss procedure. Remember that bariatric surgery is but the initial step. To sustain weight loss, you need to make the necessary changes in your diet and level of physical activity too. Ask your doctor about ways to measure successes and failures so they can serve as guideposts in your weight loss journey.


Have the right mindset for your weight loss consultation.

One last thing you need to remember regarding your weight loss consultation is that you should have the right mindset to openly discuss your weight loss options. Keep an open mind and avoid preconceived notions as the outcome of your weight loss consultation is contingent on a lot of factors.

And while the decision is ultimately up to you, we at Davtyan Medical and Weight Loss and Wellness are here to support you on your weight loss journey. We will make sure your initial consultation with us will provide you with the information you need to make the best weight loss journey decision.

Contact us today!