Psychiatric Illness has no Negative Effect on Weight Loss after Bariatric Surgery
New research shows that overweight patients with psychiatric diagnoses lose similar amounts of weight after bariatric surgery compared to those without mental illness. Patients suffering from depression, anxiety, or any psychiatric diagnosis did not statistically differ in weight loss compared to those patients without a psychiatric diagnosis, according to a study presented at the 31st […]
Obesity Affects Breast Cancer Outcomes
A study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, which included over 53,000 women in Denmark, showed that the risk of distant metastasis from breast cancer was increased 46% in obese patients with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 and the risk of dying of breast cancer was increased by 38% after 30 years. […]
Medical vs. Surgical Treatments for Obesity
Have you ever tried medical therapy for your fight against Obesity? Have you ever had surgery for your fight against Obesity? If you answered yes to either of the two questions, then you will be very interested in the study results found by Dr. Juan P. Valderas and his colleagues published in the Journal of […]
Lower your chances of developing Gestational Diabetes and Cesarean section…
Do you want to have Bariatric surgery, and also want to become pregnant one day? If so, then you should consider undergoing bariatric surgery before becoming pregnant! A study done between 2002 and 2006 by Dr. Anne E. Burke, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the John Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, […]
Do you have a Pre-Teen who is dealing with Obesity?
Everyone knows that adolescence is a time when kids are most sensitive about their body image, but a new study done by Timothy D. Nelson, assistant professor of Psychology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, found that body dissatisfaction is actually occurring much earlier. This study found that overweight pre-teens who experienced a particular kind of […]
Obesity as a top threat to children’s health…
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) findings in 2008, approximately 1 in 5 children between the ages of 6 and 11 and roughly 18% of children between the ages of 12 ansd 19 were obese. According to a new poll conducted by Knowledge Networks including 2,064 U.S. adults, adults quoted obesity as 1 […]
Improve your sex life with bariatric surgery…
Are you an overweight female who is experiencing reduction in sex drive, difficulty becoming aroused, inability to achieve orgasm, a strong dislike of sexual activity, or pain with sexual activity or intercourse? Have you had weight loss surgery? If so, you will find these study results done by Dale S. Bond, assistant professor of psychiatry […]
Attention Pregnant Women!
Are you currently pregnant, or are currently trying to get pregnant? If so, then you may find these study results important. Dr. David Ludwig, director of the Optimal Weight for Life at Children’s Hospital Boston and coauthor Dr. Janet Currie found that increasing amounts of maternal weight gain during pregnancy led to the birth of […]
Do you have an overweight child or adolescent?
Researchers from John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and National Institute on Aging examined changes in American boys and girls (between ages 2-19) and by ethnic groups at the population level. They found that U.S. children and adolescents had increased adiposity (fatty tissue) measures including Body Mass Index (BMI), waist circumference, and triceps skinfold […]
Attention Diabetics!
Do you have Diabetes and are taking multiple medications to treat this disease? Have you had or are you interested in having bariatric surgery? If so, then you will love these results found by a study done in 2002-2005 by Dr. Martin A. Makary and team from John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and […]